Un-empty lot. Activating species for an urban refuge.
What remains of wild nature in the city?
And, what remains of the untamed within us?
Reflecting on the profound impact of human activity on natural landscapes , Un-Empty Lot aims to reclaim a small corner of urban nature and turn it into a refuge . The work centers on the small plants and weeds that thrive in a vacant lot in the city of Maldonado (Uruguay ). A piece of furniture inspired by herbarium cabinets was constructed to display the 24 species that could be identified on the lot. Visitors are invited to open the cabinet´sdrawers tofindpictures andinformationaboutthese species.
The title of the exhibition plays on the chemical concept of an active ingredient—a substance , often extracted from plants that can produce changes in our body . Could these species act as active ingredients , promptingus torethinkourrelationshipwiththenature that surroundsus?